Draw Flowers Step-by-Step
Flowers provide a source of inspiration and beauty. The clematis flower, a relative of the buttercup, makes a lovely example of a plant that a beginning artist can draw. Most of the many different species of the clematis are climbing vines, which grow in many different planting zones. The Barbara Jackman is a purple-blue clematis with a magenta petal center. The blooms vary in size from approximately 5 to 7 inches in diameter. Preserve the beauty of the flower by drawing it with a few easy steps.
1. Draw a rough circle to represent the center of the flower.
2. Make six basic teardrop shapes radiating from the circle, which will become the petals.
3. Make each petal shape individual by adding wrinkles, tears, veins and overlapping edges.
4. To make the center of the flower, draw rough scratchy lines. The lines do not have to be precise because once color is added, the lines will be more defined.
5. Erase any extra and overlapping lines.
6. Trace the drawing with a pen if desired. Erase the pencil lines when the ink is dry.
7. Add color to the flower with whatever medium you desire.