Because flutes are made of silver, they can tarnish easily.
Because most Yamaha flutes are made of silver, they can tarnish quickly. Frequent practice also causes oil to build up on the flute which dulls the brilliant shine that a new instrument has. Careful cleaning the flute can restore some of its shine and help to preserve its condition.
1. Wipe the outside of the flute gently with a soft cloth, focusing on the areas without keys. These keyless areas can be buffed with the cloth. You can purchase a special silver polishing cloth from a music store or supplier.
2. Wipe out the inside of the mouthpiece with a Q-tip. If your flute has open holes, you can also wipe out the center of the holes with Q-tips. Take caution not to press down on the keys with your other hand while you are doing this, as it is easy to bend the mechanism by doing so.
3. Enlist the help of a professional instrument repair person if your flute is heavily tarnished. They have the tools to polish a flute without causing damage to it.