Monday, August 10, 2015

Sing Out Of Your Diaphragm

The human voice is a musical instrument just like any other device. When singing, you need to have control over how you use your breath, so you can maintain notes and add dynamics for emotional effect. The diaphragm is the muscle below your lungs that controls inhaling and exhaling. Here’s sing from your diaphragm for a professional sound.


1. Learn the anatomy associated with singing. The diaphragm is the muscle at the bottom of the solar plexus that you move to pull air into and push air out of your lungs. When you are hunched over, you are not using your diaphragm efficiently. Ordinarily, you only fill the top of your lungs. Using your diaphragm properly ensures that you use your lower lungs, giving you better control.

2. Exercise proper posture. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart with your back straight and your chin parallel to the floor. If you tilt your head back, you’re straining your vocal cords and hindering your breath control.

3. Practice breathing properly. Don’t worry about singing just yet. Draw air in slowly. Your belly should fill up while your chest remains stationary. Fill up as much as you can and then release it as slowly as you took it in. Repeat this several times until it starts to become second nature.

4. Keep your hand on your solar plexus when you start to sing some simple scales. As you breathe in, your hand should be propelled perpendicularly to your stomach. You will find that you have more air available to you and have more control over singing techniques such as melismas.

5. Make it easy for the air to escape from you properly. As you sing, your mouth should be open wide and your throat should be relaxed. Your diaphragm is like an air pump and you want to reduce the resistance the air experiences.