Aluminum window
frames are often used in commercial buildings.
Aluminum window frames are often chosen because of their noise-canceling properties and because aluminum is a strong and durable material. Unlike vinyl, though, aluminum can corrode over time and will need occasional cleaning to keep it looking its best. Denatured alcohol is ethanol with added chemicals to make it unfit for drinking. It is used for cleaning because it will not thin most other coatings and does not leave a film behind on aluminum frames.
1. Clean the window frames if needed. If the frames are just slightly dirty or faded, clean with mild soap and water. If the frames are rusted, scrub with a no-scratch cleaner until all the rust is removed.
2. Rinse the frames thoroughly and let dry completely.
3. Pour denatured alcohol on a soft cloth and wipe the frame evenly to apply the alcohol. Wear gloves while working with the alcohol, and reapply it to the cloth as needed to ensure the whole frame is dampened with denatured alcohol.
4. Buff the alcohol off the frame with a dry soft cloth by rubbing the frame with the soft cloth in smooth and even circles.