Friday, April 3, 2015

Integrate Music Into Creative Writing

Music inspires and evokes emotion in people. The right song or melody can help break down barriers, kindle romantic relationships and even serve as a means of expression. Songwriters know how important it is to select the right word or phrase to go along with the music they are so passionate about. Creative writers can imitate the influential genius demonstrated by fellow artistic types. In fact, integrating music into your creative writing will not only enhance the quality of the work you are producing, but will also reflect an era or genre of songs that may otherwise be forgotten.


1. Find a quiet place to write. Put a disc full of songs written by artists that you admire into the CD player and select a song that has special meaning for you. Replay it several times if necessary.

2. Identify what makes the music unique. Try to capture the essence of the song. Write out the lyrics. Refer to specific passages or melodies.

3. Think of what you are writing and the type of audience that would be interested in reading your work. Define what musical genre would appeal most to your reader. Try to imitate the style. Make references to songs or artists in your story or poem, but do not copy any piece of music without first getting permission from the artist or owner.

4. Read the words that you have written line by line, to ensure that they make the right kind of impression on the reader. Revisit a song as many times as needed to complete your creative-writing piece. Once you are finished with your story or poem, ask a trusted friend or family member to look it over to determine its effectiveness.