Friday, December 5, 2014

Build Canvas Painting Stretcher Frame

Stretching your own canvas to paint on can save you money and allow you flexibility in the size of your work. Ordering pre-cut stretcher pieces online is an option that is economical. You can find pre-cut piece of any whole number size in sets from 8 inches to 36 inches, then even numbers up to 60 inches. In most arts and craft store you can buy stretcher sets in even numbers from 8 to 36 inches. For canvas larger than 36 inches make sure to order cross bars to give the painting some stability. But if you have the right equipment or have a friend who does you can make the wooden stretcher pieces yourself and assemble them into a frame to cover with canvas which you can prime and paint on.


1. Determine the size for your finished painting. Keep in mind that when purchasing cotton duck at a fabric store, the widest width you can purchase is 60 inches. To make paintings larger than 60 inches, purchase a canvas drop cloth from a paint or home improvement store. More expensive canvas can be purchased online at Jerry's Artarama (see Resources) or at an arts and craft store.

2. Purchase the wood. You will need to purchase 2 ½ by 3/4 inches by the desired width plus 2 inches. You will also need two pieces of this and two pieces of 2 ½ by 3/4 inches by the desired depth plus 2 inches.

3. Miter the wood for the frame. Lay wood out on the floor or table in the way you want it pieced together. Measure from the outer edge one piece of wood an inch from the edge lengthwise. Mark a 45-degree angle using a triangle on top of the 2 1/2 inch side width. Place in a miter box lining your cut lines up to the box guide for a 45 degree angle. Clamp down and saw at a 45 degree angle using the saw guide. Cut the remaining three pieces. Measure from the point of the angle the act length you need and mark another 45 degree angle at the other end. Cut using the miter box.

4. Assemble the frame using a square. Lay the frame out on a floor or a large table and glue two of the corners. Use a square to make sure the frame comes together at a 90-degree angle. Staple the two pieces together using a staple gun. Staple both sides of the frame. Make sure to keep it square--get another person to help you keep the pieces in place if necessary. Glue and staple all four pieces together. Use 90 degree corner clamps if desired.

5. Lay flat on a table or floor to dry for 24 hours.

6. Place a stretcher bar in the center of the long side if the frame is larger than 36 inches deep or wide. Measure the side length or wide and cut a 2 ½ inches by 3/4th inches piece of wood to fit. Glue both ends and staple in place on both sides of the frame. Lay flat to dry on a table or floor.