Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Create A Terra Cotta Pot Person

In addition to people, you can also make dogs and other whimsical animals with terra cotta pots.

A terra cotta pot person will add a fun, whimsical touch to your garden. You can place one among your flowers for a cute little addition to your outside landscaping. Use your imagination and make various sized pot people. Use smaller pots to create child-sized terra cotta pot people and create a whole family. Add straw hats, gloves, rubber boots, a bandanna or flowers to give your terra cotta pot person character.


1. Attach two 8-inch terra cotta pots together to form the torso. Use a hot glue gun to glue the open end of the pots to each other.

2. Glue the base of the 6-inch pot on top of the torso for the head. Fill the pot with a low growing plant to simulate hair. Creeping baby's breath, springerhi fern or blue fescue work well. Select a variety that will thrive well in the location you plan to put your pot person.

3. String six 4-inch pots together to form each arm. Use one continuous length of rope, attaching six pots to each side. Start by sliding a rope through the drain hole of one pot and tie a knot in the rope large enough to prevent the rope from slipping through the drain hole. You may also tie a washer near the knot for added stability. Add the remaining five pots to the other end of the rope one at a time, tie a knot in between each pot to prevent them from slipping. Attach the arms to the top of the torso pot by wrapping the rope around the pot where it joins the head.

4. String eight 4-inch pots together to form each leg. Tie a knot between each pot in the same way you created the arms. Place the rope from the legs under the bottom torso pot to give the appearance that they are attached. Add some sprigs of sphagnum or dried moss between the pots to soften the appearance.