Monday, March 16, 2015

Obtain A Job Teaching British In Korea

Teach English in Korea

A job teaching English in a foreign country can be a dream profession for many people. You get to experience another country's culture firsthand and edify others through your teaching job. Quite often, a teaching job in a foreign country will offer you a steady salary, airfare to and from the country and sometimes even money to supplement your housing costs. There are many steps you can take in order to get a job teaching English in Korea.


1. Choose the area of Korea that most appeals to you. There are opportunities to teach English all over Korea, in both large cities and smaller cities.

2. Search for a company that sponsors English teachers in Korea. Generally, these companies will place you in a job that fits your location desires.

3. Apply to the recruiting agency or job placement service of your choice. It may be wise to have a few companies in mind, should your application not be accepted at your top choice.

4. Send the placement agency all your pertinent information. They will likely require a sealed transcript from your undergraduate university, a copy of your current passport and two passport-sized photos.

5. Study your contract before signing it. Once you are accepted to a program, make sure you thoroughly understand all the requirements before you agree to anything.

6. Apply for a work visa. The company that sponsors your English teaching job in Korea will give you the information you need to obtain a work visa.