Monday, March 30, 2015

Train To Bop The Horah

You've just watched a movie, gone to a Broadway musical or attended a Jewish celebration where you saw the horah performed. It looked like fun and the next time you attend a Jewish wedding or bar mitzvah, you'd like to join in. While this popular Israel folk dance is simple, you can train professionally and meet other people with similar interests at the same time.


1. Learn about the rich background of the horah and Israeli folk dancing. This style originated in Eastern Europe among Jewish pioneers on their communal farms (kibbutzim) in the early 20th century. The horah we're familiar with today has steps based on those created by noted Israeli dancer Baruch Aggadati in the 1920s.

2. Review the horah dance patterns before your first lesson. Since this is a group circle dance, practicing the steps ahead of time on your own will make it easier when you dance with others (See "Do the Hora" under Related eHows).

3. Find an instructor with specific knowledge on Israeli folk dancing. You can locate them in the phone book or online. Also, check out your local dance studios, colleges and community centers. Attend every class and practice what you learned at home between classes, so you can perfect the moves and don't forget what you've learned.

4. Choose a venue to perform in after you complete your training. Your new dance skills will prepare you for a wide range of venues from Jewish celebrations and your own recitals, to folk dance festivals and onstage with a professional troupe.