Monday, March 30, 2015

Draw Stick People Figures

Draw your own stick figures.

Drawing a stick figure requires just a couple simple tools and a little creative experience. For individuals who claim they can't draw, stick figures are a good way to represent people. Stick figures are fast, easy to learn, and good for beginners. Once you master the art of drawing stick figures, you can start adding details to create life-like drawings.


1. Draw an oval on your paper. This represents a head, so make sure the size is appropriate for the size of paper you have.

2. Draw a straight line starting at the very bottom of the oval. This line represents the torso of your figure.

3. Add legs and arms. Draw an upside-down "V" with the point at the bottom of the line you just drew. This "V" makes the legs of your figure. To make arms, draw a straight line across the vertical line you drew, about 2/3 of the way up toward the head.

4. Add details to your stick figure. Add hair to the top and sides of the oval. Add facial features, such as eyes, a nose, and a mouth, to the oval. You can also add hands, feet and accessories such as ties or bracelets.