Friday, March 27, 2015

Possess The Ultimate Rocky Horror Picture Show Experience


The Rocky Horror Picture Show" is a cult classic that still draws audiences to its midnight showings weekly across the country. It is a lot of fun to participate in, if you know what to do and what to bring. These steps will help you have the ultimate experience.


1. Watch the movie beforehand with a friend who knows the audience responses. Now that Rocky Horror is out on DVD, you can practice at home before you go. Get a friend who knows the appropriate audience responses to scream at the screen and practice. You don't want to look like a "virgin!"

2. Bring the appropriate props. One of the greatest parts of the Rocky Horror experience is the throwing/using of the props at the designated times. The following are the correct items to bring, and when to use them: rice (at Brad and Janet's wedding), water guns and newspapers (when Brad and Janet walk through the rain to get to Frank's castle), flashlights (when Brad and Janet sing "There's a light..."), rubber gloves (snapped when Frank snaps his gloves), noisemakers (when the "unconventional conventionalists" use theirs during Frank's speech), toilet paper (thrown when Dr. Scott enters and Brad exclaims "Great Scott!"), Toast (thrown when Frank proposes a toast at dinner) and cards (thrown when Frank sings "Cards for sorrow, cards for pain").

3. Be prepared to be outed as a Rocky Horror Picture Show virgin. No matter how well you prepare, someone will most likely rat you out to the MC of the evening as being a "virgin." This is not a bad thing! Have fun with it. It's a great experience, and the hazing you go through will be even more fun the next time, when you get to help do it to someone else.