Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Obtain A Puppy Playmate

Like children, puppies can benefit from play time together.

Setting up a play date for your four-legged friend can be a social experience for owners as well. Play dates will provide a means for your pet to use pent-up energy. Allowing your dog to burn off this extra energy has been found to keep behavior problems to a minimum. Pet owner's will also reap the rewards of meeting new people who are like-minded. Knowing where other pet owners frequently visit makes the process simple and easy to accomplish.


1. Locate your local dog park. Visit the park with your puppy. Evaluate how your puppy reacts when approached by other dogs. Introduce yourself to other dog owners if your puppy seems get along with their pets.

2. Post a flyer in your veterinarian's office. State on the flyer that you are looking for a puppy playmate for your dog.

3. Enroll your puppy in a training class. Find a puppy who is close to your dog's age and size. This will provide you an opportunity to see how they react together before the play date is set up.