Friday, March 20, 2015

Get Pen Ink Out

Prompt treatment is important in removing ink stains from clothing.

When an ink stain ruins your shirt, it might seem as if your only option is throwing away your favorite piece of clothing. Before you head for the trash can, try removing the stain with a stain treatment solution. Although you might not be able to remove every ink stain, you'll find that some stains respond well to treatment. Treating the stain as soon as you notice it can improve your odds of restoring your clothing to its original appearance.


1. Place the stained piece of clothing stain side down on a clean white cloth or paper towel. The cloth or paper towel will absorb the ink as you remove it.

2. Apply dry-cleaning solvent to a clean sponge or a white cloth. Gently blot the cloth against the stained area. Start at the outer edge of the stain and work toward the middle.

3. Move the stained area to a clean spot on the cloth or paper towel when the ink starts to come off the clothing. If you don't move the stained area periodically, the stain will be reintroduced into the fabric.

4. Blot the stain until you can no longer see any sign of the ink. Rinse the piece of clothing in warm water.

5. Rub the treated area with laundry detergent and launder as usual.